Oct 29, 2009
Listen to an Inteview with TEXAS IN JULY's Logan Maurer
Oct 15, 2009
CI to Release AUGUST BURNS RED Christmas 7" and GWEN STACY 7"

Both records will be in stores Nov 10th, but web orders will ship as soon as we have the singles!!!
Oct 1, 2009
CI Records Owner Jeremy Weiss to Speak at Dewey Beach Music Conference
For more information, visit: deweybeachfest.com/dbmc/
Sep 29, 2009
CI Records teams up with Rock Gamer Studio to bring content to RockBand!

Look for tracks available to play from TEXAS IN JULY, CIRCUS CIRCUS and SADAHARU with more to come!
For the official announcement, click here.
Sep 15, 2009
TEXAS IN JULY "I Am" Available NOW!!!

Also, check out the band on Indie Vision Music's "Under the Radar" feature at: www.indievisionmusic.com.
You can download the song "Elements" for FREE!
Jul 14, 2009
AUGUST BURNS RED "Constellations" in stores TODAY!
Jul 13, 2009
On Friday July 10th, CI Records’ artists
All the passengers suffered differing levels of injury, some minor but manageable, while others were airlifted to a hospital 55 miles away. Miraculously, the only fatality in the accident was the driver of the vehicle that initiated the accident. However, three members of An Early Ending and the tour manager for both bands remain hospitalized.
While full recoveries are expected, the physical and emotional trauma experienced by all involved is extensive, and we ask for everyone’s thoughts and prayers for all involved and their families in this difficult time.
Anyone wishing to make a donation to help out with medical costs, travel expenses for family members needing to travel, or replacing valuable personal effects lost in the accident may do so by PayPal: aeetijdonations@gmail.com
The members of
Thank you, from the families of both bands.
Jun 15, 2009
AUGUST BURNS RED posts track from new album!
Click here to check it out.
Constellations hits stores July 14 on Solid State Records.
Jan 6, 2009
CIRCUS CIRCUS "Brooklyn Nightlife" Named One of 2008's Lasting Albums By Rockfreaks

Regarding Brooklyn Nightlife, they had this to say:
"While Circus Circus may not be the band that picked up the most hype or the biggest headlines in 08, they sure as fuck blew my mind, and if you give "Brooklyn Nightlife" a chance, they should blow yours too. The debut album is as raw and untamed melody as guitars can produce, delivered with the energy of a fusion plant and the passion and energy only the truest of punk rock bands can deliver. Sure it's hard to make out the screamed lyrics and sure it's similar stuff for the whole album, but by God I can't remember hearing an album that ever brizzled with energy the way this does. If you want to feel electricity surging through your body, this is the next best thing to being struck by lightning."
Click here to purchase Brooklyn Nightlife.